The C Stream / ENROC Story by Tony Osborn

I started C Stream Pty Ltd in 2003 so I would have a company structure to manage my software projects and other things that would come along.  An early project at that time was ENROC  It started out as a PC application and now, some years later; is in the cloud and just works so well, particularly for Small Business who cant afford expensive, complex CRM’s.

Notwithstanding the above development of ENROC CM; C Stream evolved into a consulting company in maintenance management and procurement, which it has successfully done for the last decade or so.  It also became a share trading company, successfully trading in covered call options.  Unfortunately, it got caught up in the GFC, like many of us, and had a setback at that time.  However, now we have recovered with the help of

C Stream has worked hard since the GFC and has recovered from its earlier setback and is close to publising its first pone application ChildFinda.  C Stream also supports another successful internet business

C Stream remains a private company with a sole Director, and looks forward to a great future in this new space.